New name! New logo!
Things are shaping up over here at what is now called Re:Writing. Seriously. I worked for days coming up with a strong and meaningful pun for you all. My wife thought of Behind the Scenes, which we both really liked for its multiple meanings, but ultimately decided is better as a slogan and mission statement. Other rejected titles included (O.S.) which I rather liked but was ultimately a bit soft, Revision Mode (which I still like!), Angle On (which felt like it was more about directing), Hat on a Hat (which would have made a terrific logo but is maybe too inside baseball), and Crafty (which I thought was funny, since I love food and know I’ll be writing about it sometimes, but everybody else hated).
When I finally came up with Re:Writing, both my wife and my trusted advisors in my Pizza Club agreed that was the title. Writing is indeed rewriting, telling a story is so often iterating that story, and, of course, it works on a punny level too.
I don’t bring up these rejected titles to show how clever/stupid I am, but rather because this will be a newsletter very much about process. Even these past couple of weeks as I worked on a title and logo, I’ve also been thinking a lot about what will go into this newsletter, content-wise. I’m circling a kind of weekly schedule which will give you something good and helpful in the free version but which will make paid subscribers feel like they’re getting way more than they’re money’s worth. I don’t take it lightly that folks will pay for this service. I want to give you as much bang for your buck as possible, which means not just conversations about the business and process of writing but also useful, practical advice, templates, samples, and worksheets, and access to exclusive Writers Panel Q&A’s with pro writers via Zoom in which you ask the Q’s.
What do you want to read about here? I’ll start gearing entries around your interests once I know what they are. Please leave your questions or topics—anything about the business and/or process of writing, or even about specific shows—in the comments.
Oh! And the logo! I did a bunch of terrible ones, and then my wife (she has a name; it’s Julie) whipped this up between her way more important meetings. I love that it reminds me of like an Elk’s Lodge or Masons sort of thing. And what it conveys, with that bandsaw-like circle, is that writing is indeed a craft, and thus learnable to anyone.
All right. We’re looking at a soft launch for this newsletter in the next couple of weeks, and I’ll continue to post as I refine what this thing is too. As I mentioned, please do leave a comment about what topics or questions you’d like to see addressed here. And I’ve set up the paid subscription model, so if you’re feeling confident that I can provide helpful, useful, inspirational stuff, please consider a paid subscription.
Thanks for reading. I’m excited about doing this thing and can’t thank you enough for coming along for the ride. Have a good weekend!